Danny Daze - Essential Mix - 20.07.2013

- Closer Musik - Maria [Kompakt]
- Tevo Howard - The Age Of Compassion (House mix) [Buzzin' Fly]
- Dj Ringardos - Was Better In 88 [Versitile]
- Danny Daze - When The Freaks Come Out [unreleased - first play]
- Cliff Lothar - Ringleader [Viewlexx]
- Rabbit In The Moon - FLooRi.D.A. (Three's AM's Dub) [Hallucination]
- Anthony Rother - Synthetic [Datapunk]
- Creepy Autograph - BACK ALLY [Ultramajic]
- Quarion - The Workout [Drumpoet Community]
- Mark Broom - Supersnout (Danny Daze Remix) [Saved]
- Reverse Commuter - New York To Me (Radio Slave Vocal Mix) [Hallucination Limited]
- Alba Prada & Ann Santos - Let Me Take You Home (Pezzner Remix) [Blue Dye]
- Danny Daze - I Can't Breathe [unreleased - first play]
- Savas Pascalidis - Rich Hot Teen [Figure]
- Danny Daze - The Calm (Dexter Remix) [Ellum]
- Pacific Blue - Industry Prt.1 [Pacific Blue]
- The Advent - Work Dat [Electrix]
- TV Baby - NY Is Alright (BlakSpun Mix) [Ellum]
- Greg Beato - PMA [LIES]
- Tiga, Jori Hulkkonen - Trust Your Body (Danny Daze Dub) [Turbo]
- Lindstrom - I Feel Space (EvilJack Rerub) [Playhouse]
- Volga Select - Transe [Kitsune]
- Leon Vynehall - Step or Stone (Breathe or Bone) [3024]
- 2 Billion Beats - The Moodyman [Paper]
- Tomboy - Samba [Kitsune]
- Michael Mayer - Mental Caddy [Kompakt]
- Trevino - Gone [3024]
- George Acosta - Fever Express [Nitebeat[
- Bomb The Bass - Absorber (Jedi Knights Remix) [4th & Broadway]
- Der Zyklus - Formenverwandler [International Deejay Gigolo]
- Perspects - Desire & Efficiency [Ersatz Audio]
- Danny Daze - Work Dat Body [unreleased - first play]
- Gadi Mizrahi - Sweet Love Hangover (Three's Magic Hour Mixer) [Hallucination Limited]
- God Within - Raincry (Rabbit In The Moon Ascension Mix) [not on label]
- Lackluster - Thor's Magic Bathtub [deFocus]